Want to participate in your local community? Become a sponsor for your LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM or for MN Boys High School Volleyball Association and support boys high school volleyball in your area.
Concessions are available.
High School Athletic Address:
7501 Noble Ave (Door L)
Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
High School Athletic Coordinator:
Keelie Sorensen / SorensenK@District279.org
High School Principal:
Dr. Antwan Harris / HarrisA@district279.org
Mascot: Pirates
Colors: Kelly Green / Yellow
ALL tickets are ONLINE for all events.
Park Center Senior High (epaytrak.com)
No RE-ENTRY, NO REFUNDS Backpacks WILL BE checked.
Please park in the North Lot off Noble Ave. Athletic Entrance is Door L.
The school entrance off of Brooklyn Boulevard will be LOCKED
STUDENT ID REQUIRED. Only Park Center and VISITING TEAM students admitted w/ID
Non-Participating students/children MUST be accompanied by an Adult
Varsity Coach
Phone: 612-770-6443
JV Coach
Assistant Coach / BSquad Co-Coach
Assistant Coach / BSquad Co-Coach
9A Coach
Game Score Input: ADMINS DO NOT enter any game scores into the team page or website EVER!!! MN Boys Will Collect and Enter ALL Game Score Results.
CLICK THE EDIT BUTTON & then dont forget to UNLINK your pages in order to edit. See the UNLINK in the upper corners of the container boxes.
Interested in becoming a sponsor of Park Center High School?
Want to participate in your local community? Become a sponsor for your LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL BOYS VOLLEYBALL PROGRAM or for MN Boys High School Volleyball Association and support boys high school volleyball in your area.
Want to participate in your local community? Become a sponsor for MN Boys High School Volleyball Association and support youth in your area.
Want to participate in your local community? Become a sponsor for MN Boys High School Volleyball Association and support youth in your area.